Benefits of Spray Foam

The Complete Insulation Solution

Based on the NRC’s Survey of Household Energy Use, the average 2000 sq. ft. home, if insulated and heated conventionally, would use 209 GJ/year on Natural Gas.

By insulating and sealing this home with Island Spray Foam, not only can the owners save 50% to 80% on their energy bills, they can also reduce their Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 6.62 tonnes/year.

According to the Home Appraisers Journal, a home’s value increases $20 for every $1 of annual energy savings. The rising cost of energy, your savings will continue to grow for the entire life of your building.

3 Reasons Why Foam Is Better


Effects of Wind

Wind causes a pressure difference across the wall. This sucks the polyethylene vapour barrier into the wall caivty which compresses fiber insulations.

Similar studies found that this can decrease the R-Value of fiber insulation up to 80%. Island Spray Foam is unaffected by wind.

R-Value “Fairy Tale”

R-Value is a measure of resistance to heat flow, but it only measures resistance to conduction. Conduction (heat transfer through solid molecules) is only responsible for 20% of a building’s heat loss, while convection (heat transfer by air molecules moving from hot areas to cold areas) is responsible for 80%.

Conventional fiber insulations resist heat loss by conduction, but only attempt to slow down convection currents by trapping dormant air molecules. This air is free to move within and through the insulation which decreases the insulation values and can lead to damaging moisture problems. Island Spray Foam closed cell structure does not allow air to enter which stops heat loss by convection.

Just 1/4″ will stop 99% of heat loss by convection and 3″ will stop 95% of heat loss by conductions.

Effects of Cold Weather

As the temperature drops outside, convection currents speed up inside and fiber insulations become less effective. Studies by ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratories) found that the R-Value of fiber insulation is cut in half at -28°C. Island Spray Foam is unaffected by cold weather.